Dr. Yousefi has been a practicing Chiropractor for 42 years. He envisioned a need for a multipurpose chiropractic support device and invented Life Pillow to address the issues he noticed, to assist posture and provide comfort. His Life Pillow is ideal for home, travel and the office.

Who we are?

Dr. Yousefi graduated from Texas Chiropractic College, and has 40 years of experience providing chiropractic care. He has performed millions of adjustments, with profound results. He emphasizes “perfect posture”, especially in the neck, head and shoulder regions. Dr. Yousefi envisioned a need for a “Chiropractic Support Pillow”. His knowledge of eliminating pain in the cevico- thoracic junction, allowed him to design Life pillow. The innovative design of his supportive pillow, creates comfort when used in every day applications for people with posture and support needs. Conventional pillows do not have a relief in their shape. Life Pillow has a relief integrated in its shape for providing designed support around (below, between) body parts. In this manner, Life Pillow targets specific support and relief functions for body comfort and posture support. Over 6000 of Dr. Yousefi’s patients are using Life Pillow with excellent results and satisfaction.

Our Mission

To educate on the benefits Life Pillow provides and how to use it for posture and support assistance in all its applications. Proper posture and comfort for all is our passion.

Life Pillow is our solution. 

Our Commitment to You

We want to listen to your specific needs and advise as to how we may be able to help.